Breaking Free from Number Anxiety: Turning Data into Positive Tools for Health
Feb 07, 2025
In today's data-driven world, we are constantly bombarded with numbers, from the moment we step on a scale in the morning to the lab results we receive from our doctor. It seems like every aspect of our health is quantified and measured. While these numbers can be useful tools for monitoring and improving our well-being, they can also become sources of anxiety and stress.
The medical industry, in particular, tends to focus on numbers as indicators of health or illness. We are told that if our BMI is too high, we are at risk of a myriad of health problems. If our cholesterol levels are outside of the "normal" range, we may be prescribed medication to bring them back under control. And with the rise of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, even our blood sugar levels are constantly tracked and analyzed.
While this wealth of information can be empowering for some, for others, like me, it creates a sense of impending doom. Every time I step on the scale or check my CGM, I brace myself for bad news. I become fixated on these numbers, allowing them to dictate my mood and sense of self-worth. I may even start to avoid medical appointments altogether, fearing the inevitable lecture about my "poor" numbers.
This obsession with numbers can have serious psychological consequences. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and disordered eating habits. We may start to see ourselves as failures, unable to meet the impossible standards set by the medical industry. We may feel like we are constantly being judged.
So how can we break free from this cycle of negativity and turn numbers into a positive force in our lives? The key is to shift our perspective and focus on progress, not perfection. Instead of seeing a high number on the scale as a personal failing, we can view it as valuable information that can help us make healthier choices. Instead of fixating on a single lab result, we can look at trends over time and celebrate the improvements we have made.
We can also take a step back and remember that numbers are just one piece of the puzzle. They do not define us or determine our worth as human beings. We are more than the sum of our parts, and our health is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices.
By taking a more holistic approach to our health and well-being, we can start to see numbers as tools for growth and self-improvement, rather than sources of anxiety and shame. We can learn to trust our bodies and listen to their needs, rather than constantly trying to force them to conform to some arbitrary standard.
Ultimately, it is up to us to decide how much power we give to the numbers in our lives. By cultivating a healthy relationship with data and focusing on progress, not perfection, we can turn numbers from a source of stress into a source of motivation and inspiration.
-Coach Sherri
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