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Unlocking the Potential of Structured Water

sherri water Feb 14, 2025

When it comes to our health and well-being, we often overlook the simplest yet most crucial element - water. Water is not just a basic necessity; it's the very essence of life. Without a solid foundation of a nourishing diet, regular exercise, restful sleep, and good hydration, no health hack can make us feel our best. But did you know that not all water is created equal? Enter the concept of structured water.

Structured water, also known as hexagonal water or living water, refers to water whose molecules are arranged in a more organized, hexagonal structure compared to regular water. This concept is based on the idea that when water molecules are organized in this way, it can more efficiently hydrate cells and support bodily functions.

The term "structured water" appears in early 20th Century writings referencing Victor Schauberger, an observer of moving natural water such as streams, who noticed an increase in the viability of water in plants and humans. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a physicist and chemist, postulated (accurately as recently proven) that water with a liquid crystalline structure enhanced by light (photon) energy exists.

Although not very accessible for most people, structured water is found in nature in mountain springs, glacier melts, and other untouched sources, such as streams flowing over rocks and cliffs.

Structured water is thicker, denser, and more viscous than normal water and can store and release energy. The molecules of structured water are believed to have a higher vibrational charge, which is more beneficial for the human body and results in increased hydration.

The potential health benefits of structured water are numerous:

  1. Helps the cells of the body recover quicker.
  2. Detoxifies the body of toxic chemicals and harmful frequencies.
  3. Manages stress by increasing organ activity and enhancing resilience.
  4. Boosts energy by encouraging immune system functioning and longevity.
  5. Easier absorption by the body, which improves hydration.
  6. Supports the immune system by promoting optimal bioavailability of nutrients.

So, how can you incorporate structured water into your daily life? Here are some methods to make structured water at home:

  1. Sunlight: Take a container of water with a lid and sit in direct sunlight for a period of 4 to 24 hours.
  2. Copper Tensor Ring: Place a copper tensor ring around your water glass for at least a few hours and even up to 24 hours or longer. The longer it sits inside the ring, the more refined the structure becomes. The pH of the water is often balanced (this depends on the water source), and the taste of the water generally improves.
  3. Vortexing: To magnetize water through vortexing, you need to rapidly swirl the water in a container, creating a vortex motion. This is believed to align the water molecules in a more structured way, potentially mimicking the effects of a magnetic field. This can be done by pouring water into a specially designed container with a vortex-inducing shape or by stirring with a tool that creates a swirling motion.
  4. Gemstone: Simply fill the bottle with clean water and place the chosen gemstone inside, allowing the water to sit for a period of time (usually a few hours) to absorb the purported energetic vibrations from the crystal. Different gemstones are believed to have different healing properties, so select one based on your desired benefit (e.g., amethyst for calm, rose quartz for love). Just make sure you clean your gemstone before using it.

In conclusion, structured water may hold the key to unlocking a new level of hydration and well-being. By incorporating these simple methods into your daily routine, you can experience the potential benefits of structured water and build a solid foundation for optimal health.

Coach Sherri

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